Kite Flying


Ever since I graduated College I always carried a kite in my car. Brigit recently got one and the tradition continued, but flying it did not happen until today. Finally we were at a tree free part of a park with just enough wind and time to spare. It was fun and it happened at […]

Princess Part II

Brigit and I had an interesting conversation today. About princesses. More specifically, Disney princesses. We had a princess encounter about a year ago, but she was not really involved. Since the underwear incident Brigit has rejected a few princesses “because they don’t do anything”, like Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty. As their stories are read or […]

Fledgling Photographer

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When Brigit was a week old I got my first ‘smart’ phone. I did not know much about them, but knew that it would come in handy keeping in touch with people with one hand, expecting at least one arm constantly full for the next year or so. Besides keeping in touch with friends and […]


Recently Brigit informed me that all five-year-olds go to kindergarten and she wanted to go too. Hmmm. I know where this is coming from – the other kids with whom she spends her weekdays. Some are starting this fall, and others have older siblings already in a traditional classroom school. I am sure it is […]

Morning Grind

Weekday mornings in our house can be calm or cluttered, quiet or tense. I am never sure which way it is going to turn out. For one week I kept track. On Monday Brigit woke up before David and I, crawled into bed with us and cuddled before we slowly rose. We did our morning routine. […]